We want you to have the power to find exactly what you are looking for.
Thus, our advanced search solution allows you to enter search terms that can be separated by "AND"
and/or "OR" statements (without the quotation marks) as well as other parameters for much
greater control of your search results.
Note: searches are not case sensitive.
Example #1 - Search with "AND"
crystal AND leather
will generate a set of results that contains both words.
Example #2 - Search with "OR"
red OR ruby
will generate a set of results that contains either word.
Example #3 - Search for Exact Matches
Exact matches can be searched for by enclosing keywords in double-quotes. For example:
"Swarovski Crystal Purse"
will generate a set of results that each contains an exact match of the keyword phrase.
Note: Keywords searches are not case sensitive.
Example #4 - More Control with Parenthesis
Parenthesis can be used for further control of your seach result set. For example,
Swarovski AND (handbag OR purse OR "evening bag")
will generate a set of results that each contains the word "Swarovski" as well as either of the following: "handbag", "purse" or "evening bag".
This search tool should allow you to easily locate exactly what your are looking for. However,
as always, we are here to help and if you need us, our Style Agents are
just a click away.